Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Meditation Workshop with Light Reverend Bethany Dalton-Kash

Meditation for balancing, understanding, correcting, healing, aligning, spirituality, and conscious awareness.  
Learn from Bethany Dalton-Kash how to meditate.  Bethany has been teaching meditation to beginning and advanced students for over 20 years.  Receive the benefits of meditation for your health, awareness, and self and world understanding.

$12. per hour donation

by appointment


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Channeling About Fair Trade

"A clear example exists in your world every day of what fair trade is.  Fair trade is where the hearts of all people are sure this is fair.  When fair trade happens, there exists a sustainable world.  When fair trade doesn't happen, loss will be the ultimate gain for those parties causing the loss for others.  This is in the world everywhere, and it is often called suffering.  It is not suffering, but loss, and loss can often spell relief for those souls so completely burdened by the potential pain that they have caused.  God knows where the fair trade is happening, or not happening, and the spells of loss can actually be seen as a payment for past hurt to others. It is time though to begin to deal with things more consciously.  It is time to make fair trades, and feel your hearts open with the understanding that you are putting money into your own bank account by doing so.  To shine with the consciousness of exchange is better than to make a small gain for a time, only to lose it later.  You will see this happen everywhere, and it will be a great lesson."
